In January, we put out a call to join our newly launched Family Service Initiative. This program, aiming to provide both individuals and families with a meaningful way to support hospitalized pediatric patients during this pandemic, has taken off!
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, hundreds of hospitalized children across Canada will receive a personally assembled Activity Kit, which contains specially chosen materials to provide distraction, reflection and have been developed to give therapeutic value. These kits, which are distributed free of charge by nurses, social workers and Child Life Specialists are in demand as the pandemic has forced hospitals to close playrooms and severely limit social interaction among patients. It’s never a fun time for kids who are hospitalized, but the pandemic has made it even harder- our hope is that these kits can provide a bit of joy despite the isolation.
Are you looking for socially distant activities to participate in as a family?
Volunteers with our Family Service Initiative receive a box of materials at their home that contain all of the materials needed to assemble 25 Activity Kits. It’ll take between 1 and 2.5 hours to complete the kits, and when done, we’ll provide a shipping label to get the kits to kids in need at a local hospital or medical facility. There is a required minimum donation to cover the cost of the materials and shipping.
If you’re looking for a safe, socially distant opportunity to volunteer supporting pediatric patients, please reach out to canadainfo@projectsunshine.org and ask for more details!